Culture of COLA
(too old to reply)
Don Zeigler
2008-09-02 18:46:48 UTC
Yup... and then you caught me making a typo... I said the data in the file
indicated "28" and you corrected me and stated it was "26". I made a
Yup. You caught me red handed making a typo.
No, I reminded you of what day it was - nothing about nonexistent EXIF tags.

It's amusing to watch the Prescott Computer Guy (which is very similar to
Prescott Computer, another business in your burg) cook up a tall tale, get
caught red-handed lying his ass off, then furiously wiggle and dance as he
tries to extricate himself from his own big mouth.

...Why is the word abbreviation so long?

Owner/Proprietor, Cheesus Crust Pizza Company
Good to the last supper
Don Zeigler
2008-09-02 18:47:29 UTC
Tattoo Vampire freaks out over my having made a type (I typed 28 when I
meant 26), while openly lying about me having called him and spewing BS
about my personal and business life. He also repeatedly snips context and
changes the topic to avoid talking about his proved lies.
OK, Michael. Here's your chance to show yourself to be an honest member of
COLA. You laughed about my pic showing an "old" calendar on the wall. I told
you it was an old photo. You said I was a liar and that the EXIF tags proved
it was a recent one.

NOW - lets' see your proof. Post a screenshot showing said data, or admit
you were just trying to troll me.

I *know* that you can't, because that image has no EXIF tags embedded.